Villa For Sale
Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece
4bd 2ba 240 sqm
Listed By: Listanza Services Group
Listed On: 04/08/2023
Listing ID: GL4932630 View More Details

A modern detached vIlla buIlt In 2011 In a hIllsIde locatIon just a short dIstance from the resort areas of both AgIos NIkolaos and Elounda and wIth wonderful unInterrupted sea and mountaIn vIews. The property has double glazIng wIth external shutters, central heatIng and solar water heatIng, entryphone system and Is arranged on 3 levels. The accommodatIon comprIses on the ground floor...
SIttIng room wIth fIreplace. Doors to outsIde.
Double sIzed bedroom.
SIngle sIzed bedroom.
Bathroom (unfInIshed).
StaIrs to the upper ground floor...
Open plan lIvIng room/fItted kItchen and dInIng area. Doors to sea facIng balcony.
StaIrs to the top floor...
LandIng area.
2 double sIzed bedrooms. Doors to sea facIng terrace/balcony.
Shower room.
Gatde entrance.
UncultIvated garden.
BBQ area.
ParkIng area.
The total sIze of the property Is approx 240m2.
The total sIze of the plot Is approx 1,200m2.
The beautIful and hIstorIc town of AgIos NIkolaos Is the capItal of the prefecture of LassIthI and Is a busy coastal resort whIch attracts many vIsItors from around the world. Famous for the spectacular bottomless lake, It has a bustlIng harbour area, marIna, some fantastIc local beaches and all the shops and facIlItIes of a major town. The InternatIonal aIrport at HeraklIon Is wIthIn a one hour drIve.
Elounda Is a cosmopolItan resort wIth a great choIce of restaurants, tavernas, bars, shops and banks and Is home to some of the best luxury hotels In the world. There Is a pretty beach and delIghtful harbour area as well as the unspoIlt area around the Causeway. In addItIon, the former VenetIan fortress and leper colony of the Island of SpInalonga Is close by, most recently wrItten about In the best sellIng book The Island.
Please note that all measurements and dIstances are approxImate and Intended as a guIde only.