Residential Land For Sale

Triune Mill Rd
Thomaston, Georgia, United States
Listed By: Realtyww Info
Listed On: 08/01/2024
Listing ID: GL11747488 View More Details

Are you looking for seclusion and acreage? A family homestead? Property for recreation? You have found it, a 1, 200' long driveway across all types of terrain brings you to your home site choices. Where the driveway ends the property is approximately 1, 150 feet wide at the front, approximately 1, 250' on each side and approximately 750' on the back property line. The property is heavily wooded with a variety of terrain. An abundance of wildlife roams the property. There is a nice creek towards the right side of the property. It is Zoned A-R, Upson county says they will allow two homes with minimum of 1, 008 sq ft each. Mobiles meeting certain guidelines may be approved by the county. There is an old barn on the property that is in poor condition and should be demoed. The driveway/ road frontage is 40' x 1, 200' deep. The driveway is currently overgrown with tall weeds, briars, low hanging limbs etc. The seller is looking into having the driveway underbrush cut soon. The Property is within minutes from Thomaston or Yatesville, 20 minutes from Barnesville, about an hour to Macon. The property is enrolled in CUVA Conservation Use Valuation Assessment. The CUVA was just renewed in 2024 for huge savings on property tax. the stated use is producing timber, plants, animals or fish. A potential buyer should check with Upson County concerning a transfer of the CUVA to them and how it affects them and their future plans for building etc.For more details:
Listed by: Jeff Grant