Residential Land For Sale
Anglisides, Other, Cyprus
2,342 sqm
Year Built: 0
Listed By: Bezino Trading Ltd
Listed On: 12/03/2024
Listing ID: GL11990674 View More Details
2.342 τετραγωνικά μετρά και είναι μόλις 25 μετρά από τον εγγεγραμμένο δρόμο. Επίσης υπάρχει ρεύμα και νερό σε πολύ κοντινή απόσταση. Ο Συντελεστής δόμησης είναι 90% και συντελεστής κάλυψης 50% .Residential Field for sale in Anglisides, the field is a total of 2,342 square meters and is only 25 meters from the registered road. There is also electricity and water very close by. The building factor is 90% and the coverage factor is 50%.
Reference number: 16001
Share: No
Density: 90
Coverage: 50
Land type: Field
Plot area: 2342 m2
Plot Type: Residential
Planning zone: Res
Online viewing: Νο
Square meter price: €36 /m2: