Residential Land For Sale

7860 Telegraph Rd
Severn, Maryland, United States
Listed By: Realtyww Info
Listed On: 08/06/2024
Listing ID: GL11762547 View More Details

List price to be opening bid at online only auction. Auction to be held on auctioneer's bidding platform. Bidding begins Thursday, August 22nd and ends Tuesday, August 27th, 2024 at 3:00 pm. The net usable area for the site is approx. 1.50 acres after deducting the portion zoned Open Space and containing a stream. The usable area is oriented to the north side of the site with ample road frontage. There are approx. 96 permitted uses with the C-3 commercial zoning. The property is located approx. 320' south of the intersection with Donaldson Ave. It has 421' frontage along Telegraph Rd. Public water and sewer are believed to be available to the site but will require verification with the Anne Arundel County Government. Appraised in September 2020 for $980, 000 for possible refinancing purposes. Average Annual Daily Traffic (2018) according to the MDOT SHA is approx. 26, 000 vehicles. From the Anne Arundel Department of Planning and Zoning: C3 - General Commercial Districts This District is generally intended for larger arterial strip commercial development and shopping centers that offer a wide range of commercial uses that serve a broad market area. These commercial uses typically have larger space and land requirements and are located along major roadways. Minimum lot size is 10, 000 square feet. Maximum lot coverage by structures and parking is 80%. Maximum Floor Area Ratio is 2.0. Maximum height is 45 feet based on minimum setbacks and can increase to 72 feet provided setbacks are increased as per formula.For more details:
Listed by: Paul Cooper