Residential Land For Sale

70AC Ben Gilpatrick Rd
Hiram, Maine, United States
Listed By: Realtyww Info
Listed On: 07/26/2024
Listing ID: GL11857054 View More Details

Access off of Ben Gilpatrick Road to this elevated property is currently via ATV, on foot, or horseback. Once there, you'll be treated to an amazing location with views for a hunting camp, or yurt. Ben Gilpatrick Road has been a 'town way' since 1852. It is maintained by the town year-round 250 yards from its intersection with Tripptown Road, and is maintained in summer-only by the Town 500 feet from Brownfield Road (Rt 160). The remaining portion between the two town road sections was discontinued in 1955 and the article to vote did not state to retain a public easement. It reverted back to the property owners to the center of the road on each side. Therefore, the condition and maintenance of the road are at the prerogative of the landowner using the road for access. The road is in decent condition a few hundred yards in from the main road. After that, it becomes rougher, suitable for an SUV, truck, or ATV. The road can be improved as desired, with collaboration with other landowners. Turning left onto 'old road' (see survey) the access becomes steeper as it climbs to the southerly property boundary. The subject land has generally a northerly aspect with the top elevation being a little over 1100ft above sea level.For more details:
Listed by: Daniel Mcdonnell