Residential Land For Sale

1163 Lower New Germany Rd
Grantsville, Maryland, United States
Listed By: Realtyww Info
Listed On: 08/11/2024
Listing ID: GL11644601 View More Details

This 68-acre agricultural farm offers a unique blend of natural beauty, agricultural use, and secluded living, making it a perfect choice for those looking to invest in a versatile and scenic property in Grantsville, Maryland. Location: 1163 Lower New Germany Road, Grantsville, Maryland Size: 67.97 acres Topography: Secluded valley location with wooden hillsides surrounding the main property buildings Surroundings: Farms to the north and south, Savage River State Forest to the east and west Features Farm House, Barn, Machine Shed, 3 car garage plus Water Feature: Drains into the West Branch of Blue Lick valley fed by natural springs that sustain the lush fields and watershed Potential Uses: Agricultural, residential, recreational, sustainable currently zoned agricultural. Tillable farm acreage 57 acres. Currently, the farm parcel is under a farm lease at the 1163 Lower New Germany Road Farm Property. The farm purchaser may purchase Parcel 2 (20 additional acres) to keep the farm property contiguous.For more details:
Listed by: Ali Haghgoo