Residential Land For Sale

Picture of Residential Land For Sale in Rural Valley, Pennsylvania, United States


Rural Valley, Pennsylvania, United States

550,373 sqm

Listed By: Listanza Services Group

Listed On: 06/08/2023

Listing ID: GL5257570 View More Details


Located in Rural Valley.How to View the Property If you are interested in this property, you are welcome to go and visit using the GPS coordinates below. We've also made it extremely easy to visit using MapRight which is a Free App for Apple and Android. Download the MapRight app on your smartphone. Search it on the app store or get it here.Create an account.Visit this link on your mobile device to view this property.You may have to tap "Go to Map" or "Open in App"Press the "car" icon when you're viewing the map within the MapRight app.Click the bottom box and then press "drop pin".Select area within the property and press GO *Make sure to download the map for offline use within MapRight. You can then open up the app on the property and see where you are within the boundary while you're exploring it. **To do this, tap the Menu bars at the top left of the app and then tap "Store for Offline Use". Make sure you can see the red boundaries of the property when you're doing this. Want to view the property online? We've made it easy so for you to get a glimpse of what this property has to offer without leaving the comfort of your home. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to use the interactive map. Alternatively, you can view the map full-screen in the following places: MapRight GPS CoordinatesMiddle of Property: 40.7846,-793127 POLYGON: ((-79.311992019914 40.7843323723857, -79.3120171404717 40.7843647164153, -79.3121966355647 40.7845780520708, -79.3122738491069 40.7846922400392, -79.312335615507 40.7847710412332, -79.312497050268 40.7850284205931, -79.3132809197451 40.7846462867967, -79.3132750827231 40.7843332652019, -79.311992019914 40.7843323723857))

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