Residential Land For Sale

Lusk, Wyoming, United States
14,313,700 sqm
Listed By: Listanza Services Group
Listed On: 06/09/2023
Listing ID: GL5293548 View More Details

Located in Lusk.Located near the city of Lusk, in Niobrara county, Wyoming, this 35 Acre lot is easily accessible via Crossroad Drive, a dirt road. Power is available to the property. New owner would need a well for water. There are wells in the area and one of them is located just across the street. This property has a slightly downhill slope with rich soil that if irrigated is ideal for cultivation. It also offers a quiet, unpopulated neighborhood that makes it ideal not only for weekend getaways but living the dream of having a property of your own. Known for the Legend of Rawhide and stories of outlaws, the city of Lusk indeed has a very rich and colorful history. Legend has it that while others fled to California for the Gold Rush, some went to Wyoming on the town of Lance Creek and Lusk digging for oil. Lusk's economy is growing. Now is the time to own this property.