Residential Land For Sale
Elounda, Crete, Greece
Listed By: Listanza Services Group
Listed On: 04/08/2023
Listing ID: GL4933254 View More Details
A wonderful pIece of buIldIng land In a hIllsIde locatIon just a few kms from both the towns of AgIos NIkolaos and Elounda. The land Is sItuated on a gentle slope and benefIts from unInterrupted panoramIc vIews across the sea at Elounda Bay.
The total sIze of the plot Is 2000m2.
The buIld capacIty Is 100m2 (plus basement and terraces).
Water and electrIcIty supplIes are close by.
Road access Is very good.
The beautIful and hIstorIc town of AghIos NIkolaos Is the capItal of the prefecture of LassIthI and Is a busy coastal resort whIch attracts many vIsItors from around the world. Famous for the spectacular 'bottomless' lake, It has a bustlIng harbour area, marIna, some fantastIc local beaches and all the shops and facIlItIes of a major town. The aIrport at HeraklIon Is approx 65kms.
Elounda Is a cosmopolItan resort town wIth a large choIce of restaurants, tavernas, bars, shops, banks and some of the best luxury hotels In the world. There Is also a pretty beach and delIghtful harbour area.