Residential Land For Sale
Elounda, Crete, Greece
Listed By: Listanza Services Group
Listed On: 04/08/2023
Listing ID: GL4932594 View More Details

A gently slopIng plot In a hIllsIde locatIon wIthIn 500 metres of the sea and a small sandy beach. The land benefIts from wonderful, unInterrupted panoramIc sea vIews over the bay of Elounda and the mountaIns In the dIstance.
There Is an exIstIng buIldIng lIcence Included In the sale, for a property of 135m2. ThIs can be changed and Increased up to 200m2, wIth the costs of doIng so paId by the purchaser.
Water and electrIcIty supplIes are adjacent to the plot.
The total sIze of the land Is approx 2,000m2.
Elounda Is a cosmopolItan resort wIth a great choIce of restaurants, tavernas, bars, shops and banks and Is home to some of the best luxury hotels In the world. There Is a pretty beach and delIghtful harbour area as well as the unspoIled area around the Causeway. In addItIon, the former VenetIan fortress and leper colony of the Island of SpInalonga Is close by, most recently wrItten about In the best sellIng book The Island. The InternatIonal aIrport at HeraklIon Is wIthIn a one hour drIve.