Office For Rent

New Orchard
Poole, Dorset, United Kingdom
Listed By: Listanza Services Group
Listed On: 01/10/2023
Listing ID: GL6617024 View More Details

LocationThe property is situated in a corner position at the junction of Poole High Street and New Orchard, in the lower High Street area of Poole. This area is a semi-pedestrianised location between Poole's historic Old Town and the thriving quayside, and contains a mix of retail, office, residential and restaurant/bar occupiers. Nearby national occupiers include Slug Lettuce, Sainsbury's Local and Lush.DescriptionThe property comprises the two upper floors of this attractive listed building which has frontage to the High Street and New Orchard. It is arranged as five offices suites over two floors.AccommodationThe office accommodation is accessed via a separate entrance door from New Orchard.First floorSuite 5A 446ft2 (41.43m2) now letSuite 5B 387ft2 (35.95m2) available December 2021Total 833ft2 (77.4m2)Plus, communal kitchen, ladies and gents WC's.Second floorSuite 5C 403ft2 (37.44m2) available December 2021Suite 5D 289ft2 (26.85m2) now letSuite 5E 258ft2 (23.97m2) now letTotal 950ft2 (88.2m2)Plus, communal ladies and gents WC's.Total 1783 ft2 (165.65 m2)Rateable valueThe property is assessed for rating purposes as follows:5A First Floor Offices and Premises rv £30005B First Floor Offices and Premises rv £39005C Second Floor Offices and Premises rv £27505D Second Floor Offices and Premises rv £19505E Second Floor Offices and Premises rv £1925LeaseThe premises are available on new full repairing leases for a term to be agreed incorporating rent reviews on a 3-yearly basis.RentSuite 5B £3,950paSuite 5C £4,250pafinance act 1989Unless otherwise stated, all prices and rents are quoted exclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT). Any intending purchasers or lessees must satisfy themselves independently as to the incidence of VAT in respect of any transaction.Legal costsIngoing tenant to be responsible for the landlord's reasonable fees incurred in the transaction.IdentificationUnder Money Laundering Regulations, we are obliged to verify the identity of a proposed Tenant or Purchaser prior to instructing solicitors. This is to help combat fraud and money laundering and the requirements are contained in statute. A letter will be sent to the proposed tenant or purchaser once terms have been agreed. For more details and to contact: