Office For Rent

Horsham, West Sussex, United Kingdom
Listed By: Listanza Services Group
Listed On: 01/10/2023
Listing ID: GL6632852 View More Details

DescriptionThe premises comprise self-contained attractive accommodation over first, second and third floors.N.B. The ground floor retail unit is also available. Further details upon request.LocationThe premises are located in a prominent position in the Carfax, forming part of the central pedestrianised hub of the town centre, home to a number of multiple traders and main banks and building societies.The area forms a busy pedestrian link with Swan Walk Shopping Centre, the recently redeveloped Piries Place, West Street and the local car parks.Specifications Excellent natural light Laminate wood flooring Spot lighting Electric heaters Character fireplaces Fire alarm Kitchenette and WCLeaseThe premises are available by way of an assignment of the existing lease due to expire 31st July 2027 with a rent review in 2022.VATVAT is not applicable on the terms quoted.PlanningThe premises are understood to benefit from Use Class E under the Town and Country Planning Act (Use Classes) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2020 meaning that the premises can be used for a wide variety of uses to include Retail, Financial and Professional Services, Cafe and Restaurant, Office, Research and Development of Products and Processes, Clinics, Health Centres, Creches, Day Nurseries, Day Centres and Gymnasiums.Legal CostsEach party to be responsible for their own legal costs. For more details and to contact: