Industrial For Rent

Tritton Road
Lincoln, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
Listed By: Listanza Services Group
Listed On: 01/10/2023
Listing ID: GL6644703 View More Details

The property comprises a former car repair workshop building of steel portal frame construction with brick/block walls surmounted by lined corrugated sheet cladding and a similarly clad roof. It has a 4.7m minimum working height and has a central pedestrian access, block of staff/WC facilities, plus two vehicular access doors.Internally, the open plan workshop space has tiled floor and suspended lighting.The property is capable of sub-division into two units.Externally, there is an ample fenced and gated yard area.The property sits on 0.336 ha (0.53 acres) delineated in red.LocationThe property is located just off Tritton Road, a short distance from its junction with Skellingthorpe Road to the south west of Lincoln city centre.The building is within an established commercial position neighboured by the ymca Showroom, dw Sports Gym and Pentagon motor dealerships.ServicesWe understand that mains supplies are available and connected to the property. These have not been tested and interested parties are advised to make their own investigations to the relevant utility service providers.Town and country planningWe understand that the property has consent for uses falling within the Sui Generis (Motor Trade) Use Class of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended 2020).Alternative uses may be deemed appropriate, subject to receipt of necessary Planning Consent. Interested parties are advised to make their own investigations to the Local Planning Authority.RatesCharging Authority: City of Lincoln CouncilDescription: Vehicle Repair Workshop and PremisesRateable value: £77,000ubr: 0.512Period: 2021-2022Multiplying the Rateable Value figure with the ubr multiplier gives the annual rates payable, excluding any transitional arrangements which may be applicable. For further information, please contact the Charging Authority.TenureThe property is available To Let either as a whole or two units by way of a new Full Repairing and Insuring lease for a term of years to be agreed.RentRent: £105,000 per annum exclusive (whole)Service chargeA service charge may be levied to cover the upkeep, maintenance and repair of any common parts of the development.VATVAT will be charged in addition to the rent at the prevailing rate.Legal costsEach party is to be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in documenting the transaction.ViewingTo view the premises and for any additional information please contact the sole agents. For more details and to contact: