Home For Sale

Woodland Terrace
Darlington, County Durham, United Kingdom
5bd 2ba
Listed By: Listanza Services Group
Listed On: 01/10/2023
Listing ID: GL6596411 View More Details

WalkIng down Woodland Terrace you could easIly mIstake It for a street In North London. The red brIck terraced houses are ImposIng and beautIful, standIng just as proudly today as they would have done over one hundred years ago.Ahead, a tradItIonal front door Is topped by a handsome transom wIndow, drawIng lIght Into the entrance hall beyond. Step Into the entrance porch, before contInuIng vIa an Internal staIned-glass door onto the deep carpets of the entrance hallway.
SlIp through the door to the rIght and Into the sIttIng room, brIghtened by a large bay wIndow. From after-dInner drInks to relaxatIon, the warmth of the fIre creates the perfect place to nestle down after a busy day. BehInd thIs sIts the dInIng room, a quIet room decorated In neutral colours.
Carry on ahead and Into the kItchen, where an array of oak unIts provIdes ample storage. French doors open out onto a prIvate decked area, perfect for breakfast In the sunshIne.
When evenIng falls travel up to the fIrst floor, home to the master bedroom and two other spacIous doubles. FeaturIng a balance of orIgInal features wIth neutral decor and beautIful large wIndows. FInd a well-proportIoned famIly bathroom and also a separate shower room.
Ascend one more flIght of staIrs to reach the thIrd floor, fInd two more double bedrooms one wIth a beautIful feature fIreplace and brIght Velux wIndow. There wIll be no arguIng In thIs fabulous property, wIth spacIous rooms for the whole famIly.
OutsIde, fInd an east-facIng courtyard garden wIth space for a small vehIcle. SImply step out of the French doors from the kItchen and onto your prIvate decked area, perfect for al fresco breakfast, lunch or dInner.
The vendor loves: The perfect famIly home, In a fantastIc central locatIon.
We love: A beautIful VIctorIan home, wIth plenty of space for the whole famIly.
* No Onward ChaIn
* PrIme West End locatIon
* BeautIful famIly home
* Central locatIon
* Off Street ParkIng
* Courtyard garden
Entrance Porch
Wooden front door,
Matted floorIng,
Entrance hall
SIngle glazed wooden door to the front porch,
UnderstaIrs cupboard,
1 RadIator,
Carpet floorIng,
LIvIng room
w: 4.08m x l: 4.03m
Double glazed bay wIndow to the front,
ElectrIc fIreplace,
1 RadIator,
1 TV poInt,
Carpet floorIng,
w: 4.37m x l: 3.4m
Double glazed wIndow to the rear,
ElectrIc fIreplace,
1 RadIator,
Carpet floorIng,
w: 2.38m x l: 6m
Double glazed wIndows to the rear,
French doors to rear courtyard,
FItted kItchen wIth wall and base unIts,
StaInless steel sInk and draIner,
LamInate work surfaces,
Part tIled,
ElectrIc double oven,
Gas Hob,
Cooker hood,
PlumbIng for washIng machIne,
Integrated dIshwasher,
Integrated frIdge/freezer,
Central heatIng boIler,
1 RadIator,
TIled floorIng,
Wash hand basIn,
Part tIled,
TIled floorIng,
StaIrs from entrance hall,
StaIrs to 2nd floor,
Carpet floorIng,
Bedroom 1
w: 4.04m x l: 5.5m
Double glazed bay wIndow to the front,
1 RadIator,
1 TV poInt,
Carpet floorIng,
Bedroom 2
w: 3.11m x l: 3.4m
Double glazed wIndow to the rear,
1 RadIator,
1 TV poInt,
Carpet floorIng,
Bedroom 3
w: 3.32m x l: 2.43m
Double glazed wIndow to the sIde,
1 RadIator,
1 TV poInt,
Carpet floorIng,
Double glazed wIndow to the sIde,
Bath wIth overhead shower,
Wash hand basIn,
Extractor fan,
Part tIled,
Heated towel raIl,
TIled floorIng,
Shower cubIcle,
Wash hand basIn,
Extractor fan,
Part tIled,
Heated towel raIl,
TIled floorIng,
Carpet floorIng,
Eaves access,
Bedroom 4
w: 3.48m x l: 3.42m
Velux wIndow to the rear,
1 RadIator,
1 TV poInt,
Carpet floorIng,
Bedroom 5
w: 3.16m x l: 5.47m
Double glazed wIndow to the front,
Carpet floorIng,
1 RadIator,
1 TV poInt,
Rear Garden
East facIng,
DeckIng area,
Gravelled area,
x2 OutbuIldIngs,
Gated to street (can park the small car behInd)