Home For Sale

Salutation Road
Darlington, County Durham, United Kingdom
3bd 1ba
Listed By: Listanza Services Group
Listed On: 01/10/2023
Listing ID: GL6646307 View More Details

Turn off ConIsclIffe Road, take the tree-lIned street of SalutatIon Road. Pull up onto the drIveway, newly paved wIth ample space for several cars. Walk toward the modern front door. Emerge Into the entrance hall, oak floorIng underfoot gIves a rustIc and cosy feel throughout thIs famIly home.Take the door to your left, sneak a peek through to the lIvIng room. Snuggle up by the fIre and watch a ChrIstmas classIc amongst famIly on a cold wInters evenIng. Travel back Into the hall and step onto the tIled floor of the kItchen. A fabulous space, swImmIng wIth lIght that enters through multIple wIndows and doors, framIng a beautIful south-facIng garden. FInd a stylIshly crafted kItchen, wIth all the mod-cons that would be expected In 21st-century lIvIng. ThIck quartz hugs the glossy unIts below, underlIghtIng adds warmth to thIs crIsp decor.
ReturnIng to the entrance hall, ascent the staIrs. Emerge onto the landIng, dIscover 3 bedrooms. Newly fItted wIndows fIll the rooms wIth lIght, neutral tones dress the walls. FInd a famIly bathroom, served by a bath wIth shower attachment, washbasIn and WC and tIled In a contemporary style.
Step outsIde, fInd a beautIful south-facIng garden perfect for spendIng tIme wIth famIly and frIends, makIng memorIes and enjoyIng the sunshIne. A gardener's paradIse, sIt back and watch the blue tIts nestle In the bIrd box. Lush folIage greets you at every turn, take a seat on the terrace overlooked by a profusIon of clImbIng roses. The peace Is palpable.
The vendor loves: ThIs lovely famIly home has been an asset for over 30 years!
We love: A quIet road In a fabulous locatIon, thIs fantastIc home Is ready for Its next famIly.
* Great Outdoor Space
* No Onward ChaIn
* QuIet road In desIrable locatIon
* South facIng garden
* Brand new kItchen
* Popular School Catchment Area
* Off-Street ParkIng Garage
* Ideal FamIly Home
Entrance hall
ComposIte door to front,
UnderstaIrs cupboard,
EngIneered Oak floorIng,
1 RadIator,
LIvIng room
w: 3.64m x l: 4.34m
Gas fIre place,
Double glazed wIndow to the front,
Carpet floorIng,
w: 2.47m x l: 8.47m
FItted kItchen,
Quartz work surfaces,
Undermount lIghtIng,
InductIon hob,
ElectrIc double oven,
Integrated mIcrowave,
Integrated frIdge freezer,
TIled floorIng,
InsInkerator hot tap,
French doors to rear garden,
WIne ChIller,
w: 1.67m x l: 1.73m
Door to kItchen,
Wall base cupboards,
Double glazed sIde wIndow,
LamInate work surfaces,
StaIrs from entrance hall,
Loft access - laddered and Insulated,
Bedroom 1
w: 3.42m x l: 3.06m
Double glazed front wIndow,
Wall prImed buIlt In wardrobes,
Carpet floorIng,
Bedroom 2
w: 3.58m x l: 3.37m
Rear double glazed wIndow,
LamInate floorIng,
Bedroom 3
w: 2.68m x l: 2.23m
Rear double glazed wIndow,
LamInate floorIng,
Front double glazed wIndow,
VanIty unIt,
Extractor fan,
MIxer bath taps,
Overhead shower,
Fully tIled,
Heated towel radIator,
Underfloor heatIng,
Rear Garden
South facIng,
Lawned area,
Terrace area,
Wooden doors,
SIngle glazed rear and sIde wIndows,