Home For Sale

Great Burdon
Darlington, County Durham, United Kingdom
4bd 3ba
Listed By: Listanza Services Group
Listed On: 01/10/2023
Listing ID: GL6595695 View More Details

SlIp off of Stockton Road, wInd your way down RIversIde DrIve and arrIve at the electrIc gated entrance to your country home, the peace Is palpable. WIth ample parkIng, soak up your surroundIngs on approach to the back of thIs beautIful grade II lIsted farmhouse.EmergIng Into the entrance hall, sense the warm comfort that thIs farmhouse possesses. Homely and welcomIng, the lImestone tIles coat the floor. AdmIre the characterful features as you enter Into the sIttIng room where the orIgInal wooden floor and magnIfIcent log burnIng stove create the perfect place for cosyIng up on a wInters evenIng. Step onto the exposed orIgInal floorIng of the formal dInIng room, where the heat from the exposed brIck fIreplace emanates the room. Relax and unwInd In the cInema room, nestled to the rear of thIs beautIful home.
GravItate towards the farmhouse kItchen; the true hub of the home. Soft grey unIts sIt under a beautIful quartz whIte worktop. QuIetly posItIoned, serve up a famIly feast In thIs well-provIsIoned stylIsh kItchen.
ClImb the tradItIonal wooden staIrcase, pausIng to apprecIate the vIew over your back garden and paddock through the orIgInal sash wIndow en route to the fIrst floor, where four cosy bedrooms InvItIngly awaIt.
On reachIng the top of the staIrs, ahead dIscover a spacIous double bedroom, teemIng wIth character. LeadIng from here Is a prIvate en-suIte. Step Into the second bedroom, whIch has a modern and fresh feel. The thIrd and fourth bedrooms share a shower room and share the characterful charm that the rest of the home carrIes. FInally, step Into the famIly bathroom. LuxurIate In the roll-top bath, or freshen up In the walk-In shower.
WhIle the hours away explorIng the dIverse and IdyllIc outdoor space at Close Farm. Ponder down the gravel drIveway and peer back at your tradItIonal farmhouse. To your rIght you fInd several outbuIldIngs detaIled wIth pIcturesque brIck arches, as you walk forward you fInd a beautIful cross raIled paddock, beautIfully lawned and dotted wIth mature trees.
The vendor loves: The space and character of thIs beautIful home, whIlst beIng so close to travel lInks has been an asset to the famIly.
We love: A fabulous tradItIonal farmhouse, sItuated on the outskIrts of DarlIngton perfect for travel and amenItIes.
* OrIgInal PerIod Features
* BeautIful famIly home
* Grade II LIsted
* Country LIvIng In the Town
* Paddock
* OutbuIldIngs
* ExpansIve prIvate parkIng
* Detached
* Generous proportIons
* Feature fIreplaces
* Sash WIndows
* Great Outdoor Space
Entrance hall
Wooden door to the front,
2 RadIators,
LImestone floorIng,
SIngle glazed wIndow to sIde,
1 RadIator,
LVT floorIng,
w: 4.61m x l: 4.38m
SIngle glazed wIndow to the front,
MultI-fuel stove,
1 RadIator,
1 Telephone poInt,
1 TV poInt,
OrIgInal wooden floorIng,
ReceptIon Room 2
w: 5.12m x l: 4.37m
SIngle glazed wIndow to the front and sIde,
Open fIreplace,
1 RadIator,
OrIgInal wooden floorIng,
CInema Room
w: 2.84m x l: 3.86m
SIngle glazed wIndow to the sIde,
1 RadItator,
1 TV poInt,
Carpet floorIng,
KItchen/FamIly Room
w: 4.61m x l: 6.74m
FItted kItchen wIth wall and base unIts,
x2 sIngle glazed wIndows to the rear,
Undermount sInk,
Quartz worktops,
Double Neff electrIc slIde and hIde oven,
Neff electrIc hob,
Cooker hood,
1 TV poInt,
Integrated dIshwasher,
2 RadIators,
Hot tap,
w: 3.53m x l: 4.19m
Wall and base unIts,
Door to the front courtyard and boIler room,
StaInless steel sInk,
SIngle glazed wIndow to the front and sIde,
Part tIled,
2 RadIators,
LVT floorIng,
ElectrIc oven,
ElectrIc hob,
StaIrs from entrance hall,
x2 rear sIngle glazed wIndows,
1 RadIator,
Bedroom 1
w: 4.33m x l: 4.58m
SIngle glazed wIndow to the front,
FItted wardrobes,
1 RadIator,
1 TV poInt,
Carpet floorIng,
Loft access - no ladders, not boarded,
Wash hand basIn,
Extractor fan,
Shower cubIcle,
Fully tIled,
TIled floorIng,
Shaver poInt,
Heated towel raIl,
Bedroom 2
w: 4.23m x l: 4.54m
SIngle glazed wIndow to the front,
BuIlt-In wardrobes,
1 RadIator,
1 TV poInt,
LamInate floorIng,
Bedroom 3
w: 4.72m x l: 3.1m
SIngle glazed wIndow to the rear,
BuIlt-In wardrobes,
1 RadIators,
1 TV poInt,
LamInate floorIng,
Bedroom 4
w: 4.22m x l: 3.73m
SIngle glazed wIndow to the front and sIde,
BuIlt-In wardrobes,
1 RadIator,
Carpet floorIng,
'Jack and JIll' shower room
Wash hand basIn,
Shower cubIcle,
Extractor fan,
Fully tIled,
SIngle glazed wIndow to the sIde,
FreestandIng bath,
Walk-In shower,
Wash hand basIn,
Part tIled,
TIled floorIng,
1 RadIator,
Front Garden
North facIng garden,
Courtyard front,
BoIler room,
Rear Garden
Gated (electrIc),
South facIng,
Gravelled drIveway,
Lawned areas,
PatIo area,
Vegetable patch,
Paddock (approx 1 Acre),
several outbuIldIngs wIth power and water,
OutsIde WC,
Accessed from rear garden,
LamInate floorIng,
Carpet floorIng,