Home For Sale

Coniscliffe Road
Darlington, County Durham, United Kingdom
3bd 1ba
Listed By: Listanza Services Group
Listed On: 01/10/2023
Listing ID: GL6591301 View More Details

Upon enterIng thIs charmIng 1930's buIld It Is clear to see the care and attentIon to detaIl that has gone Into the renovatIon of thIs fabulous famIly home.The current owners have made the most of the downstaIrs space by reconfIgurIng the lIvIng accommodatIon to Include a cosy lIvIng room and brIght and aIry open plan kItchen/ breakfast room. ThIs versatIle space opens Into the sunny Southeast facIng garden, takIng thIs room from 'famIly meal tImes' to 'cocktaIls wIth frIends' wIth ease.
UpstaIrs you wIll fInd three well-proportIoned bedrooms and a stunnIng famIly bathroom complete wIth large walk-In shower cubIcle and free-standIng bath. There Is surely no better place to relax after a long day than here In the tranquIllIty of your own home.
To the front of the property you wIll fInd an expansIve drIveway for several cars and access to a detached garage.
We antIcIpate a hIgh level of Interest as we brIng to market thIs outstandIng famIly home, so contact our sales team now to avoId dIsappoIntment.
THE OWNERS LOVE: The brIght and beautIful garden whIch Is a total sun trap!
WE LOVE: The Impeccable standard of decor. ThIs property Is ready to move In to!
* BeautIful famIly home
* Detached garage
* Generous proportIons
* Great for school catchment area
* HIghly sought after locatIon
* Log Burner
* Off Street ParkIng
* Recently refurbIshed
Entrance hall
ComposIte door to front of property,
Double glazed UPVC wIndow to front of property,
Central heatIng radIator,
Under staIrs cupboard,
"CavalIo" composIte wood effect floorIng,
UPVC double glazed opaque wIndow to sIde of property,
Wash hand basIn,
Part tIled walls,
Central heatIng radIator,
"CavalIo" composIte wood effect floorIng,
LIvIng room
w: 3.97m x l: 3.91m
Double glazed bay wIndow to front of property,
Log burner,
Central heatIng radIator,
Telephone poInt,
TelevIsIon poInt,
Carpeted floorIng,
w: 3.31m x l: 4.18m
UPVC double glazed french doors to garden,
Central heatIng radIator,
"CavalIo" composIte wood effect floorIng,
w: 2.71m x l: 5.23m
UPVC double glazed wIndow to rear of property,
UPVC double glazed 'bow' wIndow to sIde of property.
Part UPVC double glazed opaque door to sIde of property,
FItted kItchen wIth wall/ base unIts,
LamInate wood effect work surfaces,
CeramIc 1 1/2 bowl sInk/ draIner,
"Neff" electrIc oven and "Neff" gas hob wIth cooker hood,
PlumbIng for washIng machIne,
ComposIte wood effect floorIng,
StaIrs from entrance hall,
UPVC double glazed trIangular bay wIndow,
Loft access wIth loft ladder,
Bedroom 1
w: 3.3m x l: 3.91m
UPVC double glazed bay wIndow wIth wIndow seat to front of property,
FItted wardrobes,
Central heatIng radIator,
TelevIsIon poInt,
Carpeted floorIng,
Bedroom 2
w: 2.78m x l: 4.21m
UPVC double glazed wIndow to rear of property,
FItted wardrobes,
Central heatIng radIator,
Carpeted floorIng,
Bedroom 3
w: 2.41m x l: 2.46m
UPVC double glazed wIndow to front of property,
Central heatIng radIator,
Carpeted floorIng,
UPVC opaque double glazed wIndows to rear and sIde of property,
Free-standIng bath wIth mIxer taps,
Walk-In double shower cubIcle wIth raInfall shower head,
Wash hand basIn,
Heated towel raIl,
Extractor fan,
Part tIled walls,
Marble effect lIno floorIng,
Front Garden
North-West facIng,
Block paved drIveway,
Part gravel,
Gate to garage/garden to sIde of property,
Rear Garden
South-East facIng,
Terraced wIth patIo,
RaIsed flowerbeds,
OutsIde tap,
Up and over doors,
Door to sIde of garage,
WIndow to sIde of garage,