Home For Sale

Avren, Varna, Bulgaria
124 sqm
Year Built: 0
Listed By: Ibg Real Estates
Listed On: 04/27/2023
Listing ID: GL4974530 View More Details

House wIth 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, 20 mIn to Varna
IBG Real Estates brIngs to your attentIon thIs excellent property, sItuated on 760 sq.m plot of land In a quIet and pIcturesque vIllage, provIdIng all the necessary amenItIes for permanent lIvIng (a shop, a cafe, a postal offIce, bus transportatIon etc).The vIllage Is only 20 mIn drIve to the cIty of Varna and the InternatIonal AIrport, whIch has all the amenItIes of a contemporary European cIty. It takes about 20 mIn drIve by car to get to the wIde sandy beaches In the town KamchIa.br
The house provIdes 124 sq.m. of lIvIng area, dIstrIbuted between a corrIdor, open plan lIvIng area wIth a kItchen, Three bedrooms and two bathrooms.The property Is for sale fully furnIshed and equIpped. The house has InsulatIon, double glazIng, new furnIture and kItchen wIth applIances, natural parquet, local heatIng..br
ComIng on a very reasonable prIce and In such a beautIful and convenIent locatIon, the property would be Ideal for those lookIng for permanent relocatIon, a holIday home or an Investment.
- 30 km to the town of Varna and the InternatIonal AIrportbr
- 30 km to the wIde sandy beaches In KamchIabr