Home For Rent

Picture of Home For Rent in Ebbw Vale, Gwent, United Kingdom


Pennant Street, Ebbw Vale Np23
Ebbw Vale, Gwent, United Kingdom

3bd 1ba

Listed By: Listanza Services Group

Listed On: 01/10/2023

Listing ID: GL6647055 View More Details


Description** viewing available now ** full time employed only. No pets. No smoking inside **We are pleased to offer for rent this mid terraced three bedroom positioned within easy reach of Ebbw Vale town centre.Briefly comprising large lounge-diner, ground floor bathroom and fitted kitchen.EPC rating: DViewingsWe are currently exceptionally busy if you would like to view this property. Please contact us on the listed telephone number.Holding Deposit£125.76 - payable by debit/credit cardRent£545.00 - payable by debit/credit card initially. All future rent payments should be made by standing order. Card payments are available (for managed properties only), however due to clearance times this should be paid 5 working days before your due date.Deposit£545.00 - payable by debit/credit cardAdditional InformationWe like to save paper and The Environment!Please don't ask us to print a copy of these details unless it is absolutely necessary, all of the property information we hold is displayed on our websites and can be downloaded if required.If you have viewed a property and wish to proceed with an application you will need to pay the holding deposit, the amount is listed within each property information and is the equivalent of one weeks rent. However, this cannot be paid until your application form(s) and all documentation is received. Please collect an application form from our office or alternatively you can download our tenancy application form and guarantor application form (where appropriate) from our website.Please NoteYou are not required to pay a holding deposit, however for anyone that opts not to pay this, the property will not be held in anyway. We can only accept one holding deposit per property and therefore they will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis. This is a legal requirement and we cannot alter this in anyway.The documents available are for residential applications only, please contact us if your application is for commercial premises.The holding deposit must be refunded but can be used toward your first month's rent or bond if requested. When refunded it will be paid to the bank account listed on the first applicant information on the application form. However if your application is successful and you opt to withdraw your application the holding deposit will not be refunded.Please Note 2Unless otherwise agreed all applicants in receipt of housing benefit or aged 21 or below will also require a guarantor. The guarantor must earn sufficient wages to cover their bills and your rent should you fail to pay. All documentation is required for applicant(s) and guarantor(s)Each property will confirm if benefits, pets or smokers are considered.Where pets are accepted the bond deposit amount will be more, please contact us for more information.Your application will be processed within a maximum of 15 days, after which time you will either be offered a tenancy or rejected.Please note: All applicants, including guarantor(s) will need to attend at the time of sign up. We are unfortunately unable to complete sign up's on weekends.Available dates are approximate and are subject to change without notice. For more details and to contact: