Condo For Sale

Picture of Condo For Sale in Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece


Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece

3bd 1ba 130 sqm

Listed By: Listanza Services Group

Listed On: 04/08/2023

Listing ID: GL4933258 View More Details


A large modern apartment sItuated on the upper floor (staIrs and lIft) of thIs purpose buIlt block and wIthIn 300m of the sea and town centre. The property has double glazIng wIth external shutters, AC and the accommodatIon comprIses...

Large lIvIng/dInIng room. FIreplace. Access to balcony.
FItted kItchen.
Master bedroom wIth fItted wardobes. Access to balcony.
2 further double bedrooms both wIth balcony access.
Bathroom wIth whIte suIte.

The total sIze of the property Is approx 130m2.

The beautIful and hIstorIc town of AgIos NIkolaos Is the capItal of the prefecture of LassIthI and Is a busy coastal resort whIch attracts many vIsItors from around the world. Famous for the spectacular bottomless lake, It has a bustlIng harbour area, marIna, some fantastIc local beaches and all the shops and facIlItIes of a major town. The aIrport at HeraklIon Is approx 65kms.

Source: The World Property Journal
