Commercial Farms For Sale

La Rioja Providence
La Rioja, La Rioja, Argentina
2bd 1ba
Year Built: 0
Listed By: Ranch Investments
Listed On: 10/04/2023
Listing ID: GL3616970

Well Developed Cattle Ranch - 5133 Hectares or 12,678.51 Acres Location: La Rioja Province, department General Belgrano, Titles: In Perfect Order Distance from the nearest cities: * TO Chañar are 17 km. There are basic services, pantry, kitchen, police, primary and secondary school. * TO Olta are 27 Km. (Consolidated road), there is Banco de la Nacion Argentina, primary schools, secondary levels and University, hotel and lodging services, Highway systems to Cordoba (2.5 hours) and La Rioja(1.5 hours), Police, Mechanics, supermarkets, service stations, office of public services, etc. General characteristics of the Ranch The pasture for the most part is in natural forbes, the trees of larger size are white quebrachos, carob trees and mistoles. There are a variety of native brush and grass species. The soil is sandy loam fine. Facilities and Improvements: The Main House is in excellent condition, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom and laundry, installing electricity, sanitary and water current. Secondary home for the ranch manager in good condition, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, kitchen and gallery. Shed: Pole Barn with metal roof, of 45 x 100’ without enclosure side, in excellent condition electrical installation of 220 volts and 380 volts. * Water: 1 well hand dug, lined with concrete, windmill in excellent condition, water at 8 meters depth, flow 15,000 liters/hour (40 gpm) Second well, hand dug lined with concrete, electric submersible pump, in excellent condition, water at 8 meters depth, flow 15,000 liters/hour (40 gpm). The electric pump is connected to the three phase line of network. 1 Drilling to 57 meters deep in excellent condition, flow 4800 liters/hour (17 gpm), with pump phase connected to the mains, with a water tank 6 meters in height 2000 ltrs . The water is located in the center of the ranch and is the highest elevation, for gravity flow to all the concrete troughs. Tank: Australian tank (concrete cistern) 275,000 liters in excellent condition. Water has 2.7g of salt per liter and according to recent analyzes is drinkable. * Plumbing: 16,500 meters of pipe diameter 2.5 inches 1,500 Meters of pipe diameter 2 inches The plumbing is a low density polyethylene class 5 (kg/cm² ), all the sprues are precast concrete and with floating bronze, all systems of valves are bronze and vents of reinforced plastic petcock. The location of pipeline in its layout, contemplates future paddocks to divide, without the need to increase the length of the existing pipe. The entire water system lies at a depth of 80 cm (3’) and its state is excellent. All paddocks have water and stock walks a maximum of 3000 meters to drink. * Number of paddocks are 16, the fences are in excellent condition and no stock enters or leaves the ranch. * Working Pens, there are 4 of sets, with la Manga (some of lumber and other of wire construction), traps, gates of wooden planks in excellent condition. * Dams (stock tanks), there are 4 currently in use, the water lasts for 6 months. All the dams have lines connected to the water main. * Roads, internal 40 Km. in good condition and passable. Pastures, there are 400 hectares planted with buffel grass and gatton panic. Due to the characteristics of the climate the grass that is best suited is the buffel grass and in those places where the water collects the gatton panic thrives. To convert the native pasture to improved, you utilize the tractor and Roller Chopper then overseed. Carrying Capacity: According to the INTA de los Llanos located near Chañar The recommended stocking rate for native pasture is 10 hectares per unit. Currently on the ranch are 750 animals on a continuous basis and in the most critical years of rain water was never necessary to resort to buy grass. The previous owner came to have 1200 animals. Equipment to Convey: Tractor Fiat 1100 with defender and protectors for rolado of mount, engine and box repaired to new (1000 hours), with remote control. The excellent state Rolo (Roller Chopper2 meters wide with buffel sower/seeder and gatton panic, choppers with wear of 30 %. Good condition Bulldozer Romeo marks Fosatti (guy D7) with engine Alpha, at present without use but in March. Good condition Trailer, two axle for 2500 kg. Metal and wood construction. The excellent State Trailer, two axle with plastic tank of polyethene, capacity 3000 liters. The excellent State Trailer with tank for 1000 liters fuel Comments: This is a ready to go, cow/calf operation with excellent infrastructure to support 750 head. With continued pasture improvement, the carrying capacity could well exceed 1000 mother cows. The property has a well experienced manager who lives on site as the current owners live outside the area. The locale is a quiet, ranching community with very good rainfall and shallow water. Don’t miss this opportunity while prices are still low. Price: $182.00 per acre or $2,309,850.00