Commercial Building For Sale
1,500,000 BRL
Maranhao, Maranhao, Brazil
Listed By: Properati
Listed On: 06/30/2023
Listing ID: GL2731536

READY BUSINESS - SHEETS MARANHENSES - BARREIRINHAS CITYCommercial building with 350m2 of floor space and two floors :
Ground floor: 1 hall, 3 bathrooms and ( male, female and PNE ) , deposit beverage , gas and garbage , 2 garments (male and female ) , 2 kitchens .
Building superficie of 175m2
Walking supeior :
1 reception, 1 board , 6 suites , linen closet.
Building superficie of 175m2 Area util: 350 Preco por m2: R$ 4.302