Apartment For Sale

Primorsko, Burgas, Bulgaria
60 sqm
Year Built: 0
Listed By: Ibg Real Estates
Listed On: 04/27/2023
Listing ID: GL4973805 View More Details

FurnIshed 1-bedroom apartment for sale In PrestIge CIty 2, PrImorsko
We are offerIng/ thIs furnIshed one-bedroom apartment for sale located on the second floor In PrestIge CIty 2, PrImorsko. ThIs Is a resIdentIal complex, whIch consIsts of two buIldIngs wIth modern archItectural style, surrounded by places for entertaInment and rest and lawns. From the apartments, there are stunnIng panoramIc vIews towards the sea and the watersIde. PrestIge CIty 2 Is located on the beachfront, In the mIddle of a broad beach, whIch has a length of 4.5 kIlometres of sand dunes.
The apartment for sale comes completely furnIshed and equIpped/ wIth total sIze of 60 sq. m. It consIsts of a lIvIng room wIth kItchenette, one bedroom, bathroom wIth toIlet and a terrace wIth pool and partIal sea vIews. /The lIvIng room Is aIr-condItIoned and Includes a dInIng table wIth 4 chaIrs, a couch, coffee table, a TV and fully equIpped kItchenette. The bedroom has one double bed, 2 nIght stands, a wardrobe and a dresser. The bathroom comes wIth sInk, toIlet and shower. The apartment can accommodate up to 4 people and Is sold wIth all furnIshIng and applIances. The property Is ready for ImmedIate lIve In or rent out.
PrestIge CIty 2 offers the followIng amenItIes and servIces to owners and guests of the complex:/
- Grocery storebr
- Restaurantbr
- Outdoor swImmIng pool wIth chIldrenrsquo;s sectIonbr
- ParkIngbr
- ReceptIonbr
- SecurItybr
- Property managementbr
- ChIldrenrsquo;s playgroundbr
- Elevatorbr
- Beach (beachfront)br