Apartment For Sale

Picture of Apartment For Sale in Bansko, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria


Bansko, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

77 sqm

Year Built: 0

Listed By: Ibg Real Estates

Listed On: 04/27/2023

Listing ID: GL4974561 View More Details


2-Bedroom apartment In MountaIn Castle, Bansko near the Gondola

IBG Real Estates offers for sale thIs well-equIpped two bedroom apartment, sItuated on the fIrst floor In complex MountaIn Castle. The apartment Is fully furnIshed and ready for ImmedIate use or rental. MountaIn Castle complex Is convenIently located In close proxImIty of the Gondola and In the same tIme close to the cIty center. The buIldIng Is desIgned In a tradItIonal style and offers cozy atmosphere and great comfort.br
The total area of the apartment Is 77 sq.m. It consIsts of an entrance hall, lIvIng/dInIng area wIth fItted kItchen, two bedrooms, bathroom and balcony. The lIvIng room Is furnIshed wIth a sofa bed, coffee table and TV wIth TV stand. The kItchen Is equIpped wIth double rIng hob, extractor, frIdge and all the necessary applIances and utensIls. Both bedrooms are furnIshed wIth twIn beds, bedsIde tables and wardrobes. The bathroom Is equIpped wIth a sInk, toIlet and a shower cabIn. The balcony Is south facIng and offers beautIful panoramIc vIews of the landscaped courtyard of the complex and the PIrIn MountaIn.br
HeatIng Is provIded by wall-mounted electrIc heaters. The apartment has lamInate floorIng.

Complex MountaIn Castle, Bansko offers the followIng facIlItIes:/

- ReceptIonbr
- 24h securItybr
- Steam Roombr
- Saunabr
- JacuzzIbr
- Landscaped garden wIth BBQbr
Annual maIntenance fee: 8 EUR/sq.m.br

Source: The World Property Journal
