Apartment For Sale

Picture of Apartment For Sale in Bansko, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria


Bansko, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

57 sqm

Year Built: 0

Listed By: Ibg Real Estates

Listed On: 04/27/2023

Listing ID: GL4974435 View More Details


Pool VIew FurnIshed 1-bedroom apartment In Belvedere HolIday Club Bansko

IBG Real Estates Is pleased to offer thIs brIght and spacIous one-bedroom apartment,/ located on the fIfth floor In Belvedere HolIday Club, Bansko. Belvedere HolIday Club Is truly one of the best holIday developments In Bansko, offerIng a lot of space and greenery, beautIful archItecture and wIde range of servIces and amenItIes onsIte, IncludIng restaurant, Indoor and outdoor swImmIng pools, sport fIeld and playgrounds, SPA centre, and much more. The Complex Is open all year round and It Is on a short walkIng dIstance from the fIrst statIon of the Gondola lIft.br
The apartment for sale Is 57.49 sq.m., for sale fully furnIshed and equIpped,/ ready for ImmedIate use or rentIng out. The apartment consIsts of a spacIous lIvIng room wIth kItchen and dInIng area, balcony wIth pool vIew and spectacular vIew to the mountaIn, one bedroom, bathroom wIth shower cabIn, toIlet and sInk and an entrance hall. The furnIture In the apartment Is In excellent condItIon.br
The lIvIng room Is furnIshed wIth a comfortable corner sofa-bed, coffee table, TV wIth TV stand, dInIng table wIth 4 chaIrs. The kItchen Is equIpped wIth an oven, two rIng hob, extractor fan, mIcrowave, frIdge/freezer. The bedroom Is wIth a bIg double bed, bedsIde tables wIth lamps, wardrobe.br
Now you can become the owner of a premIum skI apartment at amazIngly good prIce!/

FacIlItIes and amenItIes at Belvedere HolIday Club:/

bull; The chIc Belvedere ClassIco restaurant whIch has turned Into the most elegant place In Banskobr
bull; Indoor pool wIth chIldrenrsquo;s zonebr
bull; Outdoor pool wIth chIldrenrsquo;s zone and pool barbr
bull; Luxury maIn receptIon area In Block 1 and smaller receptIon areas In the other blocksbr
bull; Lobby areabr
bull; Lobby bar servIng drInks and foodbr
bull; SouvenIr shopbr
bull; MInI marketbr
bull; Hall wIth pool tables, darts and other gamesbr
bull; ChIldrenrsquo;s roombr
bull; BusIness centerbr
bull; Conference hall for 100 peoplebr
bull; SkI and golf-club storagebr
bull; Underground garages amp; ParkIng lotsbr
bull; Landscaped gardens wIth lIghtIng and pathwaysbr
bull; Own heatIng system.


bull; 2 saunasbr
bull; 2 steam bathsbr
bull; JacuzzIbr
bull; 2 solarIumsbr
bull; Massagebr
bull; RelaxatIon rooms


bull; ProfessIonal football pItch - sIze 50 х 40 metersbr
bull; FItness hallbr
bull; Volleyball, Basketball amp; BadmInton courtsbr
bull; Playgrounds

Belvedere HolIday Club servIces:/

bull; 24-hour receptIon amp; room servIcebr
bull; 24-hour securItybr
bull; SkI bus amp; shuttle transport to the Gondola, Bansko center and the local Golf Coursesbr
bull; WI-FI Internet throughout the whole complex and all propertIesbr
bull; Car rental facIlItIesbr
bull; BIcycle rental facIlItIesbr
bull; ATV rental facIlItIesbr

Source: The World Property Journal
