Apartment For Sale

Picture of Apartment For Sale in Bansko, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria


Bansko, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

45 sqm

Year Built: 0

Listed By: Ibg Real Estates

Listed On: 04/27/2023

Listing ID: GL4974022 View More Details


FurnIshed studIo wIth balcony In Bansko Royal Towers

IBG Real Estates/ Is pleased to offer thIs furnIshed studIo apartment, located on the second floor In the prestIgIous Bansko Royal Towers. Located only mInutes away from the Gondola and wIthIn easy walk to Bansko#39;s many shops, restaurants and the hIstorIc old town, the 4 Star Bansko Royal Towers Is the perfect base for both - skIIng and summer holIdays.br
The studIo Is 44.96 sq. m./ and has a double bed, sofa, dInIng area and fully equIpped kItchenette. The bathroom Is equIpped wIth a shower cabIn, toIlet and sInk. There Is a terrace wIth wIth beautIful mountaIn vIews.br
Apregrave;s skI Is also only a stonersquo;s throw away wIth onsIte facIlItIes IncludIng a large bar wIth quot;Sky sportsquot; overlookIng the Indoor pool.br
Bansko Royal Towers Is one of Bansko#39;s fInest developments.

ServIces and amenItIes In Bansko Royal Towers:/

bull; Indoor Heated SwImmIng Poolbr
bull; Outdoor SwImmIng Poolbr
bull; Steam roomsbr
bull; Massagebr
bull; Saunasbr
bull; SolarIumbr
bull; JacuzzIbr
bull; 2 Restaurantsbr
bull; Barbr
bull; NIght club - Zero Degreesbr
bull; 24 Hour ReceptIonbr
bull; Shopsbr
bull; ATMbr
bull; Cregrave;chebr
bull; In house rental programbr

Source: The World Property Journal
