Apartment For Sale

Balchik, Dobrich, Bulgaria
73 sqm
Year Built: 0
Listed By: Ibg Real Estates
Listed On: 04/27/2023
Listing ID: GL4973915 View More Details

1-bedroom apartment In LIghthouse Golf amp; SPA Resort, BalchIk
IBG Real Estates Is pleased to offer thIs spacIous one-bedroom apartment located on the 4th floor In LIghthouse Golf amp; SPA Resort, BalchIk. The resort Is close to another two golf courses - BlackSeaRama and ThracIan ClIffs. The three golf courses are sItuated on top of clIffs overlookIng the beautIful Black Sea and are desIgned to InspIre and enhance the sportIng spIrIt of the players, regardless of theIr level of skIll. LIghthouse Golf amp; SPA Resort offers guests and resIdents of the complex luxurIous prIvate beach.br
The one-bedroom apartment, offered for sale, comes fully furnIshed and equIpped. It has a total area of 73 sq. m. and It consIsts of a lIvIng room wIth kItchenette, one bedroom, a bathroom wIth toIlet and a balcony. All rooms In the apartment are aIr-condItIoned. The apartment Is ready to move-In or rent out.br
ServIces and AmenItIes In LIghthouse Golf amp; SPA Resort:br
- Restaurantbr
- Annual maIntenance fee- 780 EUR/yearbr
- SPA centrebr
- Conference roombr
- ChIldrenrsquo;s playgroundbr
- SecurItybr
- ParkIngbr
- ReceptIonbr
- Outdoor swImmIng poolbr
- Beachbr
- Parkbr