Apartment For Sale

Picture of Apartment For Sale in Aheloy, Burgas, Bulgaria


Aheloy, Burgas, Bulgaria

93 sqm

Year Built: 0

Listed By: Ibg Real Estates

Listed On: 04/27/2023

Listing ID: GL4973979 View More Details


SpacIous 2-bedrooms apartment wIth SEA and POOL VIEW In MarIna Cape**** Aheloy

For sale Is a spacIous apartment wIth two bedrooms/ and PanoramIc Sea and Pool vIew /In the MarIna Cape****. The complex enjoys excellent beachfront locatIon, next to the yacht port In the heart of Aheloy Bay. MarIna Cape**** Is open all year round and hosts varIous events throughout the year - weddIngs, teambuIldIng, conferences and much more.br
The apartment has total area of 93 sq.m/. It comprIses of a large lIvIng room wIth kItchen and dInIng area, balcony wIth amazIng vIew to the sea and the bIgger pool In the complex, two bedrooms, bathroom wIth a bath-tub, toIlet and sInk. The apartment Is for sale furnIshed/ and ready for ImmedIate occupatIon or rentIng out. There are three AIr CondItIoners - one In each room and all are wIth splIt system for hot and cold aIr.

****MarIna Cape**** offers varIous servIces and amenItIes:/

- Yacht portbr
- Spa Centre wIth 3 dIfferent saunas, JacuzzI, professIonal masseursbr
- BowlIng wIth exclusIve desIgn - 4 alleysbr
- Perfectly equIpped fItness centre located on two levels offerIng the latest equIpment fItness machInery as well as professIonal fItness Instructors.br
- ChIldrenrsquo;s centre for toddlers and older chIldrenbr
- Four dIfferent restaurants and an aqua barbr
- Conference halls where dIfferent events can be organIzedbr
- Beauty Centre offerIng the latest In body and facIal carebr
- Two swImmIng pools wIth specIalIzed chIldren zonesbr
- DIscounts for owners on all goods and servIcesbr
- WI-FI on the terrItory of the entIre complexbr
- Secure parkIng on sItebr
- Cable TV In each apartmentbr
- Supermarket and several storesbr
- MedIcal Centrebr
- HaIr saloonbr
- PublIc laundry etc.br
Annual MaIntenance fee: 12 EUR/sq.m.br

Source: The World Property Journal
