Apartment For Rent

28-30 New Buildings, Hinckley
Hinckley, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
1bd 1ba
Listed By: Listanza Services Group
Listed On: 01/10/2023
Listing ID: GL6607897 View More Details

Furnished A deceptively spacious, well appointed, second floor apartment, approached via communal entrance hall. The property has the benefit of UPVC double glazing, open views, communal intercom, car parking.Reception Hall1.68m max 1.02m min x 2.77m max 0.84m min (5'6'' max 3'4'' min x 9'1'' max 2'9'' min)Having obscure UPVC double glaze door, smoke detector, cushion wooden laminate floorModern Bathroom (Side)1.51m max x 0.72m min x 3.18m max 2.34m min (4'11'' max 2'4'' min x 10'5'' max 7'8'' min)Having full suite in white comprising of panelled bath, pedestal wash hand basin, obscure UPVC double glazed side window, ceramic wall tiling, airing cupboard off.Modern Kitchen (Side) (3.11m x 1.70m (10'2 x 5'7))Having stainless steel sink unit, range of base and wall units comprising of four base units and four wall units, (two wall units with glazed display fronts) finished in white gloss, bevel edged work surfaces, ceramic tiled floor, UPVC double glazed picture window, power points.Spacious Lounge/Dining Room6.55m max 4.16m min x 3.19m max 1.83m min) (21'6'' max 13'8'' min x 10'6'' max 6' min)Having UPVC double glazed picture window, power points.Double Bedroom (Front) (4.22m x 2.72m (13'10 x 8'11))Having UPVC double glazed picture window, power points.OutsideHaving communal gardens.General InformationServicesMains services are connected to the property to include, electricity, water and drainage.Fixtures and fittingsAll those items mentioned in the sales particulars are included in the purchase price.Viewing arrangementsBy prior appointment through the selling agents, Profiles Estate Agents.Council Tax Band:Every effort has been made to ensure that these particulars are accurate and reliable. Should, however you discover any query or error please contact this office and we will be pleased to make the necessary alterations.Offer procedureWe have an obligation to our vendor/client to ensure that any offers made for the property can be substantiated. Therefore one of our financial services representatives will contact you to qualify your offerOffice opening hoursMonday - FRIDAY9.am- 6PMSATURDAY9AM- 4PMSUNDAY10AM- 2PM.Property misdescriptions act 1991Profiles Estate Agent has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures, fittings or services, and so does not verify they are in working order, fit for their purpose, or within ownership of the Seller, therefore the buyer must assume the information given is incorrect. Neither has Profiles Estate Agents checked the legal documentation to verify legal status of the property. A Buyer must assume the information is incorrect, until it has been verified by their own Solicitors.The Measurements supplied are for general guidance, and as such must be considered as incorrect. A buyer is advised to re-check the measurements themselves before committing to any expense.The Sales Particulars may change in the course of time, and any interested party is advised to make final inspection of the property prior to exchange of contracts.Misdescriptions act 1967These details are prepared as a general guide only, and should not be relied upon as a basis to enter into a legal contract, or commit expenditure. An interested party should rely solely on their own Surveyor, Solicitor or other professional before committing themselves to any expenditure or other legal commitments. If any interested party wishes to rely upon any information from Profiles Estate Agents, then a request should be made by any member of staff, as only specific written confirmation should be relied upon. Profiles Estate Agents will not be responsible for any loss other than where specific written confirmation has been requested. For more details and to contact: